40 people attended the book launch of the Sounds of the Sea in the start of Plymouth Literature Week 2017.
Two military veterans Phil Coker and Stu Lawson were inspired to write a poetry book- because of their lifelong love of the sea.
The showcase and book readings took place at the Sherwell Hall in the town centre, as part of the PlymLit17 Festival, running from the 21 -29 October, with 61 events being staged across the city.
Owen Ryles, chairman of PlymLit17, officially opened the Festival at the Sounds of the Sea book launch.
Mr Ryles, said: “We are very pleased that authors Stu Lawson and Phil Coker have launched their poetry book at this year’s Festival.”
“We have a week of events where Plymouth and South West writing talent will shine, and featuring talks and workshops with top poets and authors at venues across the city,” he said.
Owen Ryles, chairman of Plymouth Literature Festival 2017, talking about Plymouth’s week of writing talent showcasing at various venues around the city
Military veterans Stuart Lawson and Phil Coker launching Sounds of the Sea
Mark Belamarich MBE, Stu Lawson, Phil Coker, and Chris Marrow
Special guests at the ‘Sounds of the Sea’ book launch included Mark Belamarich MBE, talking about his recent Guinness Book of World Records, who sailed an epic 500 nautical miles in a Royal Navy 14ft standard training dinghy used by the RN, at its sailing centre at Stonehouse Barracks in Plymouth.
And also budding author Chris Marrow who trained as a Merchant Navy officer, who followed a far from usual career path that included innovating new ferry routes in places like Lake Malawi. He also operated landing craft on the Mozambique coast to deliver aid, and explored the long-closed river route from Malawi to the Ocean. From these experiences stems his book, The Hoe and the Gun.
Stuart Lawson and Phil Coker have set up a new publishing house and web portal: www.bluecbooks.com to support other writers in the city.
More details about PlymLit17 events can be found at: www.plymouthliteraturefestival.co.uk/ or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/plymlit17/