A Plymouth entrepreneur with over 20 years experience at Industrial, Confined Space Rescue, Marine, Ultra-High-Pressure Jetting, and all forms of domestic and factory cleaning – has set up his own business ‘The Kam Group SW Limited’. 

The new start-up company already has an order book of £600K with a team of 7 conducting works across Plymouth, and the wider South West, says Managing Director, Darren Negus. 

52-year-old, Mr Negus, said: “It was now or never to set up my own venture, and we have just been awarded our first overseas contract in Sweden,” he said.

“We are looking to expand and grow and I’m looking for more staff to start immediately.” 

“This is a good time for my new venture, and coming out of the Covid pandemic, we are offering specialised services in the Cleaning, Marine, and Confined Space Rescue sectors.”  

Managing Director of The Kam Group South West, Darren Negus

The Kam Group South West team can deal with emergencies 24/7 with floods, spills, and any type of emergency, said Mr Negus.

The Plymouth company is based at Colebrook Road in Plympton, and was launched on the 11th April with a team of 7, and we are now looking for more staff, added Mr Negus.  

Mr Negus is a trustee for a local homeless charitable project in Plymouth and a champion in working and supporting the city’s armed forces communities.

Anyone looking for more information about the Kam Group SW Limited and it’s services can email Darren Negus at: darren@kamgroupsw.co.uk or Tel 07506 284830.  

DORCAS BREAKING NEWS: The Rockhoppas the homecoming, episodes one & two, now on our website