CITY BUSINESS LEADER Henry Hutchins is planning to work with the University of Plymouth to research exactly how many millions of pounds the invisible English Language sector is bringing to the city.
The Chief Executive of Clever Student Lets, Mr Hutchins, said: ” We are looking to carry out a £3K survey, using graduate students to quantify how massive this export market generates to the local economy.”
“The findings we will submit to the new Conservative Government to look again at international students and taking learners out of net migration figures.”
Clever Student Lets is one of the leading student accommodation providers in Plymouth and looking to expand across the UK, Europe and China.
Mr Hutchins, added: “If you combine all the wealth contributed by students at University of Plymouth, Marjon, Plymouth College of Art, City College Plymouth, Tellus Education Group, and other language schools, we are talking hundreds of millions of pounds.”
“It is time we had proper research and figures carried out in this vital sector, and in my opinion one of the city’s biggest export earners.”