Kevin Kelway, director of Dorcas Media Limited
IN the world of 2019, our obsession with the snowflake generation or, modern culture is the romantic idea of forever youth in every ad, TV, or on social media platforms – can be a little wearisome.
But especially in business, I find there is a ‘Logan’s Run’ mentality that only the young can be dynamic, that younger is smarter, and we seem to have placed glass barriers to older entrepreneurs.
In the futuristic film ‘Logan’s Run’, age is strictly legislated, and once you reach twenty plus- people’s lives are ended. The only escape is to run, and seek sanctuary in a place where you can live freely in defiance of society’s dictates, and dodge the Sandmen whose job is to keep the status quo and order.
Time catches up with all of us, and in my personal experience, I find getting older does have some virtues like life skills, a mellowness, ready to listen, leadership qualities, social discourse, and many others.
When I turned 50, after a career of working for others, I wanted to realise my own dreams and ambitions, and set up my own business. (It certainly was now or never for me). The usual doubts about my age, financial uncertainties, and whether my partner would support my endeavours where all question marks?
But in the end, I wanted to unlock my own innovative potential and yes, I might be middle aged and beyond, but I know I have that dynamic zeal and innovative potential, and yes, I’m sharp too. OK, I can have slow moments too!
True, as a gay man I have been less distracted by family, but I found hitting 50, was the moment I wanted to take a risk.
I’ve found in the last six years running my own business and working with clients’ that older entrepreneurs are leading some of the fastest growing start-up firms in the South West region. They have had years to build their business acumen, leadership, and problem-solving skills.
Older entrepreneurs have a lot to offer, and definitely – we should look more intently at consumer facing for our older generation, just like the young entrepreneurs do. Don’t be scared of age, but embrace its virtues and experiences, and living in the moment, I’m having a blast.
In the year, I’m celebrating six years of Dorcas Media, I think we should also celebrate the contribution that older entrepreneurs make to the South West and UK economy. But also, encourage many other older people to be entrepreneurs and unlock their amazing talents and potentials.
Dorcas Media is an independent PR company working with clients and partners in Plymouth, South West, UK, and overseas PR Specialist for International Trade Matters, and advocate for international trade.